Thinking about getting hypnosis to open up the money flow in your business? Read on. In this blog I explain how hypnosis transforms your money mindset, priming you for hitting the big bucks in your business 💸💸💸

Hands up if you want more money 🙋♀️
And hands up if you want to get this money making machine called your business on board...
so you can manifest the big bucks in it! 🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️
I hear ya!
If you're a woman in business and you've been at this thing for a while, you know that sometimes cashflow can feel like a dangling carrot when you're trying to grow.
One week you get pounded by business...
the next you're counting coins for toilet paper...
and this high/low BS is literally cray cray making.
At this point, money is literally breadcrumbing you like a bad Tinder date...
and you want to turn the money tap on while living your best life!
So How Does Hypnosis Turn On The Money Flow?
9/10 it's your brain that's choking the flow of money coming in.
Either there's a limiting belief OR
misalignment in what you're doing in your business OR
internal resistance to moving forward (i.e. procrastination, sales fear, content avoidance, working even 🤷♀️)
And sure, lately people having been a little tighter with their moolah spondoolah...
but just because some people are hitting the budget brakes, doesn't mean everyone is.
People are still buying shit they want.
So when you resign yourself to 'it's the economy' or 'the algorithm' or 'my best friend's sister's dog chewed my homework'...
then it stops you being resourceful.
You throw your hands in the air and say, 'It's too hard' and your whole vibe drops which then MAKES IT HARD.
HOT TIP: As long as you've got 38 million social media platforms, you can get a multitude of eyeballs watching your stuff. And if you offer those eyeballs something they want to buy with a 'can do' attitude, then money will find you.
You've just gotta let it in!
And this is where hypnosis comes in because...
it RAPIDLY eliminates your fear + money blocks so you never have to spin your wheels in the dust of no-cash hell again! 😈
It does a bunch of other cool stuff as well... and I'm going to share them here 👇
1: Obliterate Your Limiting Money Beliefs 💣
You might be grappling with deep-seated limiting money beliefs.
It could've been Dad always complaining there was no money...
or Grandma hating on rich people...
or just the fear that if you have money, your friends won't like you.
These manifest into deep seated subconscious negative beliefs about money—formed from past experiences, social conditioning or personal fears.
As a result, you resist activities that make you money... because you don't want to be like those 'rich arseholes'.
My hypnosis switches your attention into the positive around money by 'reframing' the way you think about it (and treat it).
Bypassing your critical mind (i.e. the part that's resisting money for reasons), hypnosis speaks straight to your subconscious and 'overwrites' these limiting beliefs with new, positive ones.
So instead of thinking 'money is the root of all evil', you begin to realise that money is amazing for allowing you to help people, live a fulfilling, healthy life, provide for your family... and have lots of fun experiences.
Manifest more money in your business with hypnosis 👇👇
Step 2: Hypnosis Gets You All High + Happy
Your energy is EVERYTHING when it comes to manifesting money!
Now just to be clear... you don't have to pray to the universe, join a drum circle, chant some weird shit or go on a celestial journey with your spirit guides (I mean if you want to, knock yourself out, but it's not necessary).
Hypnosis lifts the heaviness that comes with money stress. It just gets to the guts of it and pulls it out like a weed without all the faffing around.
Because money stress triggers fight/flight/freeze mode.
Which turns off our creative mind... because our brain goes into survival mode because it thinks we're running from a bear (or towards a bear? I don't even know these days).
That survival state makes writing a blog, talking on camera or hitting the hustle button feel like pushing a mini full of clowns uphill.
It feels hard because this state triggers internal resistance which shows up as procrastination, overwhelm and anxiety.
And it affects the way we show up in our businesses.
My hypnosis eliminates the 'hard' feeling that turns you into a paralysed mute the minute you sit in front of a blank Word doc.
It neutralises your feelings towards doing the work so when you sit at your desk, you drop straight into flow state and get on with it.
"If you push hard enough on the brick wall, you might find out it's just flimsy paper" – Yours Truly 🙋♀️
Step 3: Makes You Think, Feel + Act Wealthy
Your subconscious mind can't tell the difference between fantasy + reality. So if you tell yourself
enough times that you're wealthy, you'll start to believe it on a subconscious level.
The beauty of hypnosis in regards to this? Is that it embeds that belief while you're flat on your back with your eyes close.
Using visualisation in my hypnosis, I hypnotise you to embody the mindset and emotional state of a successful woman which generates those emotions and aligns you to that state.
Then what happens?
You start making decisions and taking actions that are aligned with that new way of being...
which, over time will get you there.
And then you can tell your Nanna to get stuffed (nah, we love our Nannas 😍)
Ains 🤑
Ready To Become A Money Manifesting Machine?
I do 3 different packages to help you open up the flow of money in your brain + your brand. You can check them out here 👇