If you feel like there's a money block in your mindset (and business), here are 3 easy ways to open up the money flow... so you can let more fun tickets in! 💸💸💸

I see you there... with your big crazy dreams...
ready to build something amazing so you can travel, manifest your dream home and create that amazing life you've visualised over and over again in your mind.
And you know you're on the way...
there's just one little issue.
Yep. You want more fun tickets hitting your bank account so you no longer have to wonder whether to pay a bill...
or feed your cat.
Don't worry, I've been there so I know how you feel. Mastering your money mindset is a different beast.
At one point in my life (ok, there were many), I was at the supermarket, bunch of coins in my hand, debating on having rice + soy sauce for dinner or feeding my dog (ahh the things we do for our art... and pets 🐶)...
the dog won out and I had a 2 minute noodle smorgasbord.
The situation sucked and for a long time, I felt like I was stuck in a box I couldn't find my way out of.
But I worked it out... and by reading this (and following the instructions) you will too!
Before I go on though, I want to explain how money blocks show up;
Emotions such as anxiety, fear, sadness, despair. They get in the way of you doing the money making work in your business because you can't think straight (this is your fight/flight/freeze response taking over)
Behaviours such as confusion, procrastination, avoidance, internal resistance.
Outward rejections of money such as not selling, sabotaging opportunities, blowing your cash, hating on wealthy people etc.
And over the years of improving my own relationship with money (and studying Psychology), I discovered it's just 3 simple little things that'll kill your money blocks DEAD 💀, so here they are;
Step 1: Give Your Money Mindset Some Lovin'
Most of your money anxiety comes from that little voice in you, telling you that you NEED to act on something. But instead of listening, we shame ourselves for even having those feelings and try to push them away...
which doesn't fix the issue.
In fact, it makes it feel worse.
Working WITH your emotions (instead of against them), it's the easiest way to navigate yourself out of this mind trap.
Your anxiety (or other triggered emotion) is your subconscious mind's way of saying, 'Houston, we have a problem'... and if you ignore it, it'll keep coming back.
Deep down you know there's an issue and a simple little, 'Thank you, I see you there and we're safe. Let's work it out together' will calm down your nervous system and put you back in control.
Anxiety is a state of internal friction (i.e. resistance) which shuts off your creative mind and throws you into fight/flight/freeze...
literally putting you in a mental straight jacket.
So doing any kind of money or business activity from that state of mind feels like pushing a 7 seater minivan up a hill...
with the Griswolds in it.
You can fix this in a number of ways;
Be in the emotion. Let it hang out and just be as it is. Any kind of pulling away from or rejection of an emotion will make it cling on harder.
Talk it out with yourself. I have full blown conversations with myself to nut out problems because it helps me find solutions... so just sit there and have a chat with yourself
Grab my FREE hypnosis pack here to fix it faster👇
Manifest more money in your business with hypnosis 👇👇
Step 2: Get Clear In Your Business!
A lot of money blocks have absolutely NOTHING to do with money and everything to do with confusion in your business (a confused audience doesn't buy... because a confused 'you' can't sell).
So grab your journal and map out the thing you're stuck on. Then flesh out the ideas, brainstorm, hit up ChatGPT to do the thinking for you, watch some helpful videos and spend a few good days in the planning process.
The creative process isn't an 'execution first' thing. For example, if you're creating Reels, and you're stuck on what to say while paralysed in camera fear, it's because you're not mentally prepared.
The planning and organisation phase is just as (if not more)
important than the execution phase.
When you're prepared... and clear on what you're doing, then the words and confidence will flow easily.
So in the reel example, test the lighting, your makeup, best angles/filters, write a bunch of hooks, script out the reel, do a few test runs.
Any new task will feel clunky and awkward at first, but with practice, your confidence will soar and you'll nail it.
"If you push hard enough on the brick wall, you might find out it's just flimsy paper" – Yours Truly 🙋♀️
Step 3: Decide You'll Do Whatever It Takes!
If you push hard enough on the brick wall, you might find out it's just flimsy paper.
In other words, when something feels hard, most of us retreat to the fridge or wine bottle and avoid avoid avoid...
only to find out when we tackle the actual task, that it wasn't so hard and we wasted all that time whining about it (or wining 🍷).
Truth is, nothing gets solved by pulling away from the hard...
and a little dedication to solving a problem - 1 day, 2 weeks, however long it takes - will push you through the other side faster than you think.
I spent 6 years in a state of chronic anxiety because I'd tentatively push through the hard... and if it felt too painful, I'd go and smash 6 white chocolate + raspberry Subway™ cookies to make myself feel better.
Food and alcohol were my go-to in those times because the pain I felt in my body was so palpable (almost 6yrs sober now 👊).
Eventually I realised that if I wanted to do this business thing...
and win...
I'd have to push harder on the brick wall...
which, in most cases, turned out to be just a flimsy sheet of paper.
This looked like;
Listening to money hypnosis EVERY DAY (instead of once or twice and whining that it didn't work)
Doing Steps 1 + 2 to manage my emotions and get clear in my business
Creating daily routines (i.e. following my daily checklist) so I stayed consistent
Telling myself this is happening and that's that! No backing out!
Now Go Get Rich!
So I hope that was helpful. Just to summarise;
Give your anxiety some lovin' and it'll calm tf down
Get clear in your business. As tedious as it sometimes can be, it's necessary to get deep into the details so you can hit that success bell 🔔
Decide you'll do whatever it takes!
Ains 🤑